What is Sports Premium Funding?
Once again this year the school will be receiving the Sports Premium Funding from the Government.
In March 2013 the Government announced a package of funding for physical education (PE) and school sport. The ‘Sport Premium’ grant is allocated to all primary schools to help support the delivery of PE and sport, and the mental health of children.
This funding will be ring fenced, and will be allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with a dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Funding is allocated through a lump sum for each school and a per-pupil top-up mechanism. The formula will reference the number of primary-aged pupils (i.e. children between the ages of 5 and 11).
This year all schools with seventeen or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £16,000 plus a premium of £10 per pupil thanks to a doubling of the premium monies.
Use of government funding to improve standards in quality of PE gives opportunities for all children to participate thorough in-school sessions from sport providers, and for staff to improve their skills in line with new developments in curriculum and training so they may continue this work. Provide extra opportunities for many children to access sport to foster their own enthusiasm through after school clubs. Improve provision for early year’s outdoor play. To support mental health initiatives in school through group work and outside organisations.
At Alburgh with Denton Primary School we believe that sport not only contributes to the physical development of pupils but also makes a significant contribution to pupils' personal well-being and enjoyment of school. Our aim is to provide at least two hours of PE provision per week, whether it be through direct sports teaching during curriculum time or through lunchtime or extra-curricular after school provision. We hope to widen the children’s experiences by introducing them to activities which may be new to them and giving them opportunities to participate and interact with other children.
Staff will also be up-skilled through CPD and working alongside experts, to enable them to offer high quality PE and sport activity session.
Click Here to download the Sports Premium Funding 2020/2021 document
Click Here to download the Sports Premium Funding 2021/2022 document
Click Here to download the Sports Premium Funding 2022/2023 document
Click Here to download the Sports Premium Funding 2023/2024 document